Case in Brazil – The Federal Highway Police Academy implemented the Phantosys solution in 2016.
The Academy is located in the city of Florianopolis/SC, which centralizes the activity of education, training, and qualification in the pedagogical environment of the Federal Highway Police. The Academy has an area of about 80,000 m², with more than 10,000 m² of building area with the infrastructure for educational and training purposes for a nationwide Police force. Excellence in the education, training, and qualification of police officers is a priority in the organization of the Department, which is a reference for public security agencies, inside and outside the national territory.
The problem
The institution includes computer labs used for various police training courses, with some courses using specific software. These diverse software environments need constant changes and adjustments, which made the management of the computer and systems park a constant demand for IT management. In addition, as the courses are scheduled for police officers that come from all over Brazil for this purpose on specific dates, any problem that causes the unavailability of computers or the need for intervention during the course period, causes great disruption and damage to all who depend on these resources to conduct training programs, following their respective schedule and planning.
The solution with Phantosys deployment

The institution, which hired the Phantosys solution after a bidding process, implemented the system while getting full training for its technical staff, obtaining total autonomy in managing the environment in a short time, proving to be an advanced technology solution, but relatively simple to operate, and very effective.
The computer rooms are still equipped with the same laptops and Windows 10 operating systems that already existed. There was no need for investments in the network, in servers, or changes in the computers.
With the implementation of Phantosys, the systems used on computers are now separated by course, and students select which course’s software set to use when computers are started. Managers just need to keep up to date the template system designed for each course, using a single computer to make any changes, which are replicated to all other computers, instantly. In case of any problems in the systems caused by misuse or by any software bug, are automatically corrected by restarting the computer, without the need for interventions during the courses.